Big Goals The students will: learn the C language, which underlies much of modern computing, and which give the programmer a high level of control over the computer; learn how to manage the heap; be able to create data structures in a strictly procedural environment.
Course Objectives (What the students will be doing in class) In this course, students will:
- learn how to work with pointers and virtual memory
- learn how to work with file pointers
- learn how to manually manage the heap section of memory and to allocate memory at run-time and deallocate it as it goes out of scope.
- learn to evaluate different one dimensional data structures for time and speed considerations with respect to given tasks.
- implement one dimensional data structures
- analyze an algorithm for run time and memory usage.
- use data structures covered in the class to store and retrieve data and to solve foundational programming problems.
Learning Outcomes (What the students will be able to do, think, and feel at the conclusion of class) Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
- work with pointers and virtual memory and use it to quickly manage and traverse collections. (ABDH)
- use file pointers to manage buffered and unbuffered file IO. (ABDH)
- manually manage the heap section of memory and to allocate memory at run-time and deallocate it as it becomes inaccessible. (ABDH)
- be able to detect and extirpate memory leaks. (ABDH)
- to evaluate different one dimensional data structures for time and speed considerations with respect to given tasks. (ABDH)
- implement several one dimensional data structures. (ABCDEH)
- analyze an algorithm for run time and memory usage. (ABH)
- use data structures covered in the class to store and retrieve data and to solve programming problems. (ABCDEH)
Key to Learning Outcomes
- A) Knowledge
- B) Critical Thinking and Problem Solving;
- C) Communication;
- D) Technological Literacy;
- E) Work Ethic, Teamwork, Collaboration;
- F) Personal Responsibility, Health, and Wellness;
- G) Ethics, Civic Responsibility, and Leadership;
- H) Innovation and Invention;
- I) Global Awareness and Engagement.
NCSSM Learning Outcomes Document