CS 352 Syllabus

Here is CS Classroom Policy (including Academic Honesty, Late Work, Contact Information, etc.)

Prerequisites: This class has no prerequisites other than knowing how to turn on a computer, type, and use a mouse. It is exactly the right place to start if you want to learn to program, and it is prepares you for our more advanced offerings.

Course Resources:
Web Dev Chapter 0, JM Morrison
Web Dev Chapter 2, JM Morrison
Web Dev Chapter 3, JM Morrison
Web Dev Chapter 4, JM Morrison
Web Dev Chapter 5, JM Morrison
Web Dev Chapter 6, JM Morrison
W3 Schools (or other web reference)
World Wide Web Consortium HTML 5 specifications
Mozilla Developer Network
Google Chrome

Course Description: This introductory course emphasizes the client side of Web Development. We will learn how to use HTML5, CSS3 and Javascript ES 6 to create dynamic web pages that respond to user interaction. It is intended to be accessible to all students with a desire to learn and a willingness to work hard. You will learn marketable skills and ease yourself in to more advanced computer science courses if you so choose. You will experience the excitement of creating a web page yourself and making it work.

Course Objectives: These are the things you will learn about.

  1. You will understand the basic structure of the HTML Document Object Model.
  2. You will learn how to modify the appearance of a web page using CSS in an easily maintainable and extensible manner.
  3. You will learn basic programming paradigms such as variables, looping, and conditional logic using Javascript.
  4. You will learn to use Javascript to manipulate the HTML DOM and CSS so that your web page can effectively interact with the user.
  5. You will learn how to interact with a computer via a command line interface.
  6. You will collaborate on projects with your peers.

Rough outline of the class:

  1. Computers and Computer Science? (1 week) You will learn about the basic components of a computer and how they work together. You will then learn about the types of problems that arise in computer science.
  2. What is LINUX, the Web, HTML? (1 week) We will learn a basic overview of the client-server paradigm and basic server side navigation. You will learn how to create, edit and manage files and directories in LINUX.
  3. HTML 5 (1 week) We will learn about HTML tags and the Document Object Model. This is the backbone of all web pages.
  4. Basic CSS (1 week) This is the basic component of how to make your web page pretty.
  5. Basic Javascript (1.5 week) This is the first introduction to true programming. We will cover variables, conditional logic and looping.
  6. Advanced CSS (1 weeks) In this section we will explore more sophisticated layout tools a ways to make your page have a professional look and feel.
  7. Advanced Javascript (2.5 weeks) Here we will begin to integrate the 3 components to make interesting, interactive pages.
  8. HTML5 Canvas (1 weeks) This is one of the powerful new features in HTML5 that allows for rich applications to be developed and delivered via the web
  9. Final Project (1-2 wks) This is a capstone project you will build. It should be a sophisticated series of pages that demonstrates your ability to apply the skills and techniques taught in the class. You should begin to think about this in about the 8th week of the course.

Course Goal: You will learn how to solve problems, present and style data via the Web, the world's most ubiquitous data distribution system. You will demonstrate this skill by creating full featured web pages.

Class Mechanics: a description of the general workings of NCSSM Computer Science Classes.


Assessment and Grading: This course will include formal assessment through homework problems, tests, quizzes and a capstone design project, as well as informal assessment through in-class assignments. These assessments will determine student progress in achieving the desired objectives and outcomes for this course. Your grade for the course will be calculated as follows:

Grading for CS352
Tests/Programming practicals30%
Programming Assignments40%

Depending on the actual breakdown of assignments, these weightings may vary slightly.

Grading Scale:
A: 90 - 100
B: 80 - 89
C: 70 - 79
D: Below 69