How to Download Vi for Windows

by Aravind Ezhilarasan '15

  1. Open a new tab and copy paste this URL: On that page, select"PC: MS-DOS and MS-Windows"
  2. After you have downloaded vi successfully, launch the file install.exe. It should be located in the set of files you just downloaded.

  3. When you launch this file, a command prompt window will pop up. Follow the instructions on the command prompt and change the install settings to fit your preferences.

  4. When you have finished changing the install settings, quit out of the command prompt by pressing "q". DO NOT SIMPLY X OUT OF THE WINDOW!!!

  5. You have now installed Vi and should be able to open any of the Vi launchers in the folder you downloaded (gvim.exe, gvimd.exe, vim.exe, or vimd.exe).

Here is the the executable.