1. Do the following procedure for your Operating System. Follow the set of instructions outlined in the box below for your computer.
If you use Windoze, install the following All of these programs are freely available to you, and they belong to the public domain. These programs are tiny and won't hog much space on your (already brimming with crud) hard drive.
puTTy, this program allows you to connect the CS server,
once you obtain a login name and password. - WinSCP, this program has a simple interface for moving files between your lappy and the CS server.
You will use these to access our student computing server
. You will have terminal access to this server,
and you can store your stuff for this class on it, and you will have a simple
mechanism for turning in code that eliminates email.
If you have a Mac You are good to go. It is convenient
for you to put Terminal tool (Applications/Terminal) in your application dock.
You will learn how to use the terminal tool to log onto
from your mac.
If you run Linux You are good to go. Put an alias to
your terminal application in your application doc or on your desktop. You
will use it to shell into cs.ncssm.edu
2. For 352, Install and Confgure Firefox and Chrome Have both the Firefox and Chrome browsers on your machine. Both of these have essential tools for creating and validating web pages. Obtain the addons Firebug and WebDeveloper for Firefox. Similar tools come built-in for Chrome.
3. Optional but useful step for everyone You might want to join Stack Overflow. It is extremely useful. You can search it, ask questions, and contribute by answering questions. There is a forum like this for math, too. There is a whole family of sites for a wide array of academic, career, and recreational topics.