The NCSSM Local Guide to LINUX (Rev. 2 June 15)

Begin at the Beginning Here is what you need to do or download.

If you stoop to using 'Doze.... (Like most of you unwashed yahoos out there....) you will need the following. Keep these files in a handy place, as you will make plenty of use of them.

If you use a Mac.... Go into your Applications/Utilities directory and place the Terminal Tool in your application dock. You will use this to log onto our UNIX server via ssh. You can also use it for file transfer with the aid of sftp.

If you use LINUX.... Whoopee! You are set! Your default browser should be Firefox or Chrome. If you are thinking of using LINUX, we recommend the Ubuntu distro for your lappy. If you haven't bought your lappy yet, consider getting one factory installed with Ubuntu. The CS TAs can help you config your box for Ubuntu. I will assume you know how to open a terminal session. File transfer can be done via sftp and you can log in using ssh.

1.1 Browser Directions for All Platforms..... Follow these instructions for getting Firefox properly configged. It is also handy to have Google Chrome or Chromium.

If you install the addons properly, you will see an extra toolbar with menus such as Disable, Cookies and CSS; to see it you will need to restart Firefox subsequent to these installs. In the lower right-hand corner of your browser, you will see a little beetle. Do this in the first week of class so we do not have to worry about it later. These resources will be helpful when you start working on your website.

2. Getting Your LINUX Account Set up and Getting Logged In Instructions follow for all platforms.

Doze Just follow these simple instructions carefully sil vous plait!

  1. Launch the PuTTY application from your local machine.
  2. A window will appear. You will specify as your hostname.
  3. Specify SSH as protocol. Our server requires you to use a secure shell to stymie packet sniffers.
  4. In Saved Sessions, enter cs.
  5. Hit the Save button. This will save your settings for using Next time you use PuTTY, you can double-click on the cs name to connect.
  6. Hit the Open button; it will open a connection to cs.
  7. Enter your login name and password when prompted to do so.
  8. You can customize your settings to make the font larger or to give a white background. This will be covered in class.

You may open as many instances of PuTTY as you wish and connect to via all of them. When you program, you will often maintain two or three windows. When you come to class, you should get in the habit of opening sessions up right away.



at the LINUX command line. If your username on your box is the same as your username, you can simply type


Then you can enter your login name and password when prompted to do so. You can open several terminal sessions at once, and you will frequently have occasion to do so. If you are using Ubuntu, there are tabbed terminals which are a handy way to save desktop space.

Mac You are using a UNIX machine! Open the terminal tool and follow the instructions laid out above for LINUX. This tool lives in the Utilities folder of your Applications directory. If you followed these instructions, it's in your application dock.

2.1 Now You are in! If you log in successfully using any of the means just described, you will see a greeting message like this:

Last login: Wed Jun  3 13:02:38 2015 from
[morrison@cs ~]$

Your login name will appear instead of morrison.

This is called the UNIX prompt. It tells you that LINUX is waiting for you to enter a command. On these pages, we will use a simple cash sign ($) for a UNIX prompt.

2.2 Password Security IMPORTANT!! Before we change passwords, here are simple rule for creating good passwords. I have recommended this policy to Richard Alston. If your general NCSSM password does not meet this standard, you should change it to do so and you can use the same password for both your CS account and your NCSSM access.

  1. Do not use any dictionary words or names. Do not use them spelled backwards.
  2. Use at least 3 of the following four elements:
    • lower-case letters
    • caps
    • punctuation marks (Do not use single or double quotes, or a period ( . or ' or "))
    • numerals, 0-9

Here are examples of BAD passwords.


Here are some good examples


Our server will reject passwords it deems too simplistic. If the server rejects your password, you should pick something better and you should change your mail password to agree with it. Good password practice prevents our boxes from getting hacked and protects your valuable data. Be a good citizen!

2.3 Changing your Password And now back to the main event. To change your password, type

$ passwd

at the UNIX prompt. Then follow the instructions. You may change your password as often as you like. Server policy may require you to change it a couple of times a year.

2.4 Password Sharing Don't. It is a clear violation of Acceptable Use Policy. If you have difficulty with your account, see a system administrator (Me, Q). We do not need to know your password to enter your account and fix your problem.

Now it is time to learn about UNIX Commands.

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