The purpose of this policy is to allow you to take personal
responsibility for your time, actions and workload.
Generally, our assignments are due at the end of the business day on
their due date (unless otherwise specified)... this means officially 5pm,
however there will be an automatic grace granted until midnight.
You have eight late days to use however you choose (except on the final
project... there are no late days allowed for the final project, or in
class assessments). Use your late days wisely. The purpose of
this is so that we do not have to field many requests for
extensions. If you ask if you are allowed to use your late days,
the answer is NO... Read the previous sentence.
Late assignments will be accepted and may incur a 5% penalty per day
(up to a maximum penalty of 30%).
If you have an excused absence for illness, travel, or family
emergencies you may have an extension of one day for each day you were
excused to turn in the assignment (this does not apply to excused absences
for local sporting events).
If you know that you will have an excused absence on the day of a
scheduled test, prior to your absence, please make arrangements to take the
test. For all other EXCUSED absences you will have one day for each day you
were absent to schedule to take the missed test.
If you need additional late days, you may ask for an extension,
however, not wanting to use your late days is not a valid reason for asking
for an extension.
If you request an extension, you must: 1) ask before the due date; 2)
indicate when you will turn in the work. We do not honor open ended
extension requests.
We will keep track of your late days used in our gradebooks. If you
would like to know the balance, just ask (though we expect that you are
capable of keeping track of this on your own).
We are not ogres, despite our appearance, if you are having problems
with promptness, come talk to us. We will work to reach a mutually
agreeable solution.