This is a quick roundup of some important reminders directly from the student handbook. More complete information can be found in the Student Handbook.
Academic Honesty
Instructors are expected to make clear to all students in their courses what
their specific expectations are about academic honesty and to include this
information in their course expectations statement. Students are responsible
for understanding what style of assignment preparation is acceptable to the
instructor, and when and if collaboration is allowed. Students are expected to
act in an ethical and honorable manner at all times. All work turned in by a
student should be the result of his or her own efforts unless otherwise
instructed. All tests and quizzes are done individually with no help from
others. Specific instructions on how to collaborate are given for any
assignments that are completed with a partner or a group. Faculty or student
tutorials are available to students provided the teacher permits getting help
on the assignment. It is to a student’s advantage to make a serious attempt at
the assignment before seeking help. For essays and research assignments,
students must cite all sources for ideas that are not their own. See the
Academic Honesty
Policy document for details.
The following are considered breaches of academic honesty
- Giving or receiving help during a test or quiz
- Discussing the contents of a test or quiz before the instructor says you may do so
- Programming unauthorized information into electronic devices to be used during a test or quiz
- Completing graded assignments for other students;this is aviolation for both the giver and recipient of the work
- Collaborating on assignments that have clearly been designated as individual work
- Not citing correct sources for ideas and evidence in written and, in some cases, oral work
- Taking credit for more work on an assigned group project than was actually contributed
An instructor who suspects that a student has violated academic honesty expectations should discuss the situation with the student and, on the basis of that discussion, decide whether the perception is accurate or inaccurate. If the instructor believes that a violation did occur, the procedures stated in the Code of Student Conduct should be followed. In accordance with school-wide policies and the list above, the instructor sets the standard for what does or does not constitute academic dishonesty in a specific class.
Class absences that are not caused by illness or an emergency situation, or are not specified and approved by appropriate NCSSM personnel on a Prior Approval of School Absence form, are coded as unexcused. Instructors are not required to provide an opportunity to make up work missed during an unexcused absence. Notice of any absence coded unexcused is provided students electronically by the Attendance Coordinator. Students have two academic days from the date of notification to present to the Academic Programs Office written documentation showing the coding as unexcused to be incorrect. A report of all class absences (regardless of code) is readily available to students and their parents online in the school’s student database. As NCSSM places a high priority on learning opportunities in the classroom, a student who for any reason misses ten classes in the same course during a single trimester will not be granted academic credit without the specific permission of the Vice Chancellor for Academic Programs.
Late work policy is outlined Late Work page.
Revised: 2021-06-03